歯医者に行きました~go to the dentist

歯医者A 生活~life

Today I went to the dentist for the first time in a while.

This is my first visit to the dentist in three months for a regular checkup and cleaning.

Since I wasn’t getting any treatment, I thought it would be a hassle to go, but I had made a reservation so I went with enthusiasm!


↑Before going out, my dog ​​and I do a poised “kabuki pose”↑

When I arrived at the dentist, I started with a simple medical interview. (Questions like “Is everything okay since your last visit?”)

Next, as part of hygiene instruction, we check to see if there are any areas that have not been brushed.

A special medicine is applied to the teeth, then rinsed; any areas that have not been brushed will turn pink, and areas that have not been brushed for a long time will turn purple.

I have a pink stain on the back of my bottom left tooth, so I was given some tips on brushing my teeth.

The toothbrush should be at this angle around here. Make sure you brush the backs of your molars all the way around with the tip of the brush.

I will be given specific instructions such as: (I will bring my own toothbrush to my regular checkup, so I will practice using my own toothbrush.)

I always brush my teeth while watching TV, so I think I’ve unconsciously picked up a bad habit…

Even so, he praised me, saying, “You’ve polished it well! It feels like you’re just one step away, so keep trying your best!”


I was told that I was brushing my teeth too hard, which caused my gums to recede and made me more prone to sensitive teeth.

The toothbrush I’m using now has “hard” bristles, and the vertical width of the brush is large when viewed from the side, so it doesn’t match up well with my toothbrushing style, and it puts more pressure on my gums…


↑The toothbrush I’m using now↑

My dentist recommended a toothbrush with a “soft” bristles that has a small vertical width when viewed from the side, which would suit me, so I bought it!

In addition, the toothbrush I purchased has a thin plastic part that the bristles rest on, so it is compact and easy to brush even when the inner cheek fat gets in the way, such as when brushing the sides of the back teeth!


↑The toothbrush I bought that works well with me↑

After the hygiene instruction is completed, the periodontal pockets of the gums will be examined.

To check for periodontal disease, gingivitis, etc., the gums are punctured gently without pain.

The results of the periodontal pocket test were perfect!

Finally, I was checked to see if I had any cavities, and found that I had a few cavities, but they weren’t bad enough to require drilling, so I brushed my teeth well to prevent the cavities from getting worse! The consultation was over with the doctor’s advice to continue monitoring my condition!

My next appointment is in 3 months for my regular check-up and semi-annual cleaning, and I’m heading home!

I love eating. Japan is full of delicious food, so I want to continue taking good care of my teeth so I can enjoy food to the fullest!

